
加拿大湖首大学Pedram Fatehi 教授做客bwin必赢“前沿科学报告”

2022-10-01 22:30 文、图/轻工学院 游翔宇 点击:[]

9月29日,应轻工科学与工程学院(柔性电子学院)、科技处与前沿院邀请,加拿大湖首大学Pedram Fatehi教授做客bwin必赢“前沿科学报告”,作了题为“Progress in lignin nanoparticle production for advanced materials”的线上学术报告。本次报告会由轻工学院院长助理游翔宇主持,学院相关领域教师和研究生聆听了此次报告会。

Pedram Fatehi教授简要讲述了木质素的产量丰富但利用方式相对单一的问题,并由此引出木质素纳米粒子的多功能性、利用前景好的优点,详细介绍了木质素纳米颗粒的改性原理、制备方法以及应用领域的最新研究。

报告会后,Pedram Fatehi教授与参会师生就木质素来源、改性效果等相关专业问题进行了探讨与解答。Pedram Fatehi教授的学术分享开阔了广大师生的视野,使大家对木质素的功能化改性和高值化利用的重要性有了新的认识,也对相关领域的研究具有一定的启发作用,使大家受益匪浅。此外,双方还表达了希望开展进一步合作交流的愿望。


Dr. Fatehi is a professor, Canada Research Chair (Tier II), and Industrial Research Chair of the chemical engineering department at Lakehead University, Ontario, Canada. He is also the Director of Biorefining Research Institute of Lakehead University and a distinguished professor at the Qilu University of Technology in China. His main research area includes biorefining, nanotechnology, lignocellulose valorization, waste management, and colloid and interface science. His outstanding achievements were recognized with many awards, such as the Distinguished Research Award from Lakehead University (2022), the Hatch Innovation award (2019) from the Chemical Institute of Canada, the Emerging Leaders in Chemical Engineering from the Canadian Society of Chemical Engineers (2018) and Early Researcher Award from the Government of Ontario (2014). Dr. Fatehi was among the top two percent of researchers in the world on both categories of career and annual contributions determined by Stanford University in 2020 and 2021. Since 2008, he has co-authored more than 235 journal articles, 7 book chapters, and more than 110 conference papers. He also holds 6 patents. Since 2012, he has secured more than $ 9.2 M in research funds from private sectors and government organizations. He has trained more than 70 graduate students and post-doctoral fellows.

(核稿:刘国栋 编辑:刘倩)

上一条:陕西省文物保护研究院杜文研究馆员做客bwin必赢“前沿科学报告” 下一条:西安广博检测设备有限公司总经理王宗峰做客bwin必赢“教育教学论坛”